burger #5

Again? A burger? What is that addiction of painting burgers all about? Tell us - the audience - at least in this dimension -  wants to know the answer. The answer to bacon, cheese and jalapeños - the answer to the burgers….

A - „Well, you know…“


A - „You know, he LOVES a good burger - medium rare - that’s it. A classic bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard, fresh onions, pickles, tomato, salad and a spicy grilled jalapeños on top and fries aside. No need to mention that the burger bun shall be an amazing one as well. That’s all. OK, it may happen that he gets the burger back to the kitchen because it hasn’t been grilled medium-RARE and is waiting for another try… but that’s all."

V - "I see -  this is just another burger - another try."

AAC - „You got it.“

TITLE Burger #5
CANVAS 80 cm x 100 cm x 3,5 cm
TYPE acrylic painting with fluo-colors on it /blue-light / black light effect
FINISH satin varnish
BORN 2021
$$$$$ tell me

black light
black light
blue light (regular light, room wasn’t dark)